The Growing Focus on the U.S.-Canada Border in Republican Politics

Former President Donald Trump described the U.S. border as “not so hot.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said it’s the site of a worsening problem. And Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said she would do whatever it takes to stop illegal crossings there, up to and including building a massive wall.

The rhetoric wouldn’t be out of place for Republicans in reference to the U.S. border with Mexico, a staple of Republican campaign speeches and the site where Customs and Border Protection apprehended more than 2.4 million people who entered the country illegally from October 2022 to September. But those remarks weren’t about the southern border. Rather, they were about the border with Canada.

As Republican voters time and time again rate immigration as a top-three issue facing the country, GOP presidential candidates are increasingly bringing the northern border with Canada to the political forefront. In New Hampshire, the site of the first-in-the-nation primary and a state that shares a border with Canada, that focus has been turned up a notch.

Before he dropped out of the race two days ago, DeSantis pledged to New Hampshire voters Friday that he would provide increased resources to bulk up protection at the northern border, blaming President Joe Biden for what he sees as a problem that’s getting worse. Trump made his comment about the northern border’s being “not so hot, either,” at a stop in Iowa this month, adding that he “started to use that” in discussing immigration and border security.

At a rally for Trump in Concord on Friday, Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., described “a skyrocketing of illegals crossing our northern border,” including some, she said, who were “on the terrorist watch list.” But no one has talked up northern border security more than Haley, who has mentioned the border with Canada at numerous campaign stops in New Hampshire over the past week.

During a CNN town hall in Henniker on Thursday, Haley said that “we don’t talk enough about the northern border,” saying hundreds of suspected terrorists were being apprehended there.

Republican Focus on the Northern Border

The Republican Party has long focused on the U.S.-Mexico border when discussing immigration and border security. However, as the issue continues to resonate with Republican voters, the attention is now shifting towards the northern border with Canada.

New Hampshire, a state that shares a border with Canada and hosts the first-in-the-nation primary, has become a key battleground for Republican candidates. They are increasingly highlighting the northern border as a pressing concern.

Concerns and Solutions

GOP figures like DeSantis, Trump, Stefanik, and Haley have voiced their concerns about the northern border, emphasizing the need for increased resources and stronger protection. DeSantis, in particular, blamed President Biden for the worsening situation.

During campaign rallies and town halls, these Republican leaders have raised alarm about the number of illegal crossings, including individuals on the terrorist watch list. Haley, in particular, has emphasized the apprehension of suspected terrorists at the northern border.

The Significance of the Northern Border

While the U.S.-Mexico border has traditionally received more attention, the focus on the northern border highlights the broader concerns about immigration and border security within the Republican Party. By bringing the northern border into the political forefront, GOP candidates are aiming to address the concerns of their constituents and demonstrate their commitment to national security.

As the immigration issue continues to be a top priority for Republican voters, the discussion around the northern border is likely to gain further traction. The emphasis on both the southern and northern borders underscores the party’s commitment to comprehensive border security.


As Republican voters consistently rank immigration as a top concern, GOP presidential candidates are increasingly focusing on the U.S.-Canada border. In states like New Hampshire, where the northern border is a tangible reality, the attention has intensified. Republican leaders such as DeSantis, Trump, Stefanik, and Haley have highlighted the need for increased resources and stronger protection at the northern border. By addressing the concerns surrounding the northern border, Republicans aim to demonstrate their commitment to national security and address the broader immigration issue.

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